Space Dropper is one out of 91 (and 3 hidden) floors that can be randomly chosen, or selected by a player. It is currently in-game.
The floor is seemingly set in space or at night, with stars being visible outside of the windows. The room appears as a facility-like structure, with grey and black being a prominent color. Several lights are placed around the starting area, the dropper, and the winner's area.
In the winner's area, several ladders are platforms are placed around the walls of the section, eventually leading up to another area, where a corridor can be found. To the right is a machine labeled "Respawn Station" with a glowing pink portal emanating a pulsating sound. Beside the respawn station is a sign with an arrow and a label reading "MORE", pointing to a red truss ladder at the end of the corridor. Across from the respawn station is a Ticket Printer.
When the floor start, players can see the starting room, alongside a hole blocked by a rusty gate. After a short amount of time, the gate retracts. You will then have to go down the hole whilst avoiding randomized obstacles. If touched, the player will be teleported to the beginning and lose 5 HP.
After a player has successfully gone through the dropper, said player can climb some ladders, eventually leading towards a corridor with a Respawn Station that will teleport them to a new section of the dropper with different obstacles, alongside a sign further back reading "MORE" pointing towards a ladder at the end.
- The floor is based off the Minecraft map known as The Dropper.
- Gragh can be seen outside one of the windows.
- In the "More..." section, there is now over 25 coins stuffed in a cluster.
- There is nothing at the top of the "More..." truss, just a black barrier.
- The ambiance the Respawn Station portal makes is the sound of a Xen healing pool from Half-Life.