The shop is an item purchase menu where players can buy items through coins or for some items, Robux, though separated into another category specifically for it.
The Shop appears as a menu consisting of three main sections, each selling a set of items that are completely unique to said section. The menu also has a coins counter to the upper left.
To the right side, there can also be seen a showcase section showing a chosen item's name, a model preview of said item, its description, alongside the prompt to purchase a specific item when it is chosen.
When no item has been chosen on the menu, it will instead default to three dots on both the name, alongside the description. Below the UI, there can be seen a 'Purchase Coins' button. If interacted with, will then open up a coins purchase prompt.
Players can access the shop by either clicking on the button, or by pressing 'Q'. Players can also purchase an item from one of the three sections using the coins said players can get through a specific floor.
It also allows the player to purchase coins within the 'Purchase Coins' button, which when clicked on, will then show a menu showing several options to purchase a specified amount of coins (the largest of which being 10,000) using Robux. The buttons for purchasing said amount of coins also has a green color for smaller amounts, with the larger amounts having a yellow color.
- The Shop is currently the only non-floor way to purchase items.
- This wasn't the case prior to the update that introduced the Dance Party floor.
- The Shop used to be the only place where players can purchase items from prior to the addition of shop floors.
- The default description and title used to be 'This is the item description. Put any text in here and it should be displayed properly.' alongside 'Item'.
- There used to be only one item selection screen when purchasing item.
- There also used to be no coin purchase menu, with players being able to only purchase a limited 50 coins, and more during weekends.
- Players are able to get the "SHOPPING SPREE" badge by owning every item inside the Coins section excluding VIP, Robux, and floor-exclusive items.
- Purchasing coins used to be restricted to 50 coins, with the amount being doubled by x2 during the weekends.
- There is currently a bug, where if a Robux item's display price fails to load, it will display that it costs infinite Robux. However, you can still buy the Robux item for the normal price.