Hello, and welcome to the unofficial Regretevator Wiki! Before you start editing and/or talking on this wiki, it is absolutely necessary for you to read the wiki's policy first, as to understand which topics are not allowed on the wiki.
Below will show you the wiki rules that are currently in effect. Please note that these rules are subject to modification.
Below will show the current general/discussion rules that are currently in effect.
- You must be at least the age of 13, or if registered in the state of California and/or the European Economic Area (excluding the United Kingdom), are to be at least the age of 16.
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- Do not post excessively on article comments - To prevent an article from being overloaded with comments that may not be related, please do not post excessively on article comments. Note that meme images are allowed to be posted, however said images must be related to the article.
- Do not post any content or discuss regarding a controversial design, character and/or user that has been removed and/or blocked - As to prevent arguments between wiki members, please do not post any content, or discuss regarding a specific design or character that has now been removed from the game.
- Do not advertise in any way. - Please do not advertise on any of the wiki's pages and/or discussion pages. Regretevator-related content that is not for monetary gain, or is not seen as suspicious is allowed, however must not be excessively posted.
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Below will show the current editing rules that are currently in effect.
- Please link a source to new information you are adding in. - When placing in new information, it is necessary for you to link a source relating to said information.
- Do not vandalize pages in any way. - It is NOT allowed for you to vandalize pages in any way.
- Do not purposefully place in false information on a page. - To prevent confusion, please do not purposefully place in false information on a page.
- Do not place in articles that are about a non-existent feature, or to flood the wiki's pages. - Making articles en masse that are about a non-existent feature and/or to flood the wiki with pages is not allowed in any way.
- Do not place maintenance templates (e.g. Stub, Removed, Maintenance) on your user page - To prevent confusion, it is NOT allowed in any way to place in any maintenance templates onto your home page.
- Please refer to the Regretevator Wiki:Manual Of Style for page editing. - To ensure page quality, please use the Manual of Style as a reference when you are editing on the wiki.
- Do not make articles and/or to edit them to intentionally break the rules. - This will NOT be tolerated on the wiki.
- Always follow Fandom's Community Creation Policy.